Shockwave Therapy for Hip, Knee & Groin Conditions

Using shockwave to treat common conditions of the hip, groin and knee

Course Details

As hip and knee pathologies affect many individuals, the aim of this one day comprehensive course is integrating shockwave therapy into treatment and to provide a definitive reference for musculoskeletal clinicians who are involved in the management of patients with hip and knee pain.

Explore new avenues of treatment in this advanced practical workshop in management of hip and knee pain.

As specialists in rehabilitation, find out how to instigate a treatment plan to improve movement or reduce pain in patients with hip and knee pain. We will consider which clinical conditions are known to be most responsive whilst also considering those which are currently being investigated. The practical sessions will focus on tailored application of shockwave therapy for pain relief, tissue regeneration, calcification, bone & tendon pathologies.

Some key pathologies covered on the practical section include:

  • Hip and knee osteoarthritis
  • Management of lateral hip pain and adductor related groin pain
  • Application of shockwave in posterior hip pain including proximal hamstring tendinopathy.
  • Bone stress injuries (osteitis pubis)
  • Knee tendinopathies (patellar and quads)

Practical experience will be gained in the use and application of both radial and focused shockwave, as well as EMTT in hip and knee pathologies.

You must have owned a Storz Medical shockwave device for more than six months to be eligible for this course.

Course taught by

£295 per person


Lunch provided

Learning Outcomes:

  • Advanced indications, appropriate position positioning and also advice on aftercare and how to integrate into safe and effective application of shockwave for hip and knee pathologies.

  • Apply techniques safely and effectively within your scope of practice.

  • Deciding on what frequencies, depths and applicators work best for different conditions and body types, as well as exploring what patient positions work best for each condition.

  • Gaining of hands-on experience from shockwave practicals and demos.

  • Differences and limitations of radial and focused shockwave therapy will be considered with regards to these chronic pathologies and emerging evidence.

  • How to integrate loading protocol, along with shockwave therapy in hip and knee.

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