Covid Protocols
To ensure the safety of both our Training staff and delegates, please read the following protocols and guidance prior to the CPD event.
Please do not attend .our CPD events if:
- You feel generally unwell
- You have fever
- You have a persistent Cough
- You have sudden loss of smell or taste
- You have been in close contact with someone with Coronavirus
- You or anyone in your household are self isolating or shielding
- You have travelled from overseas in the last 14 days
- If you are unable to attend for the above reasons, please book on another course and self-isolate/call NHS 111
Our Commitment to Delegate Safety
The following key safety measures and additional protocols will be implemented to help manage any potential risk associated with Covid-19:
- Screening forms and symptom checks completed by each delegate attending
- Venue PPE and safety inspections prior to any CPD course
- Infrared temperature checks for all visitors to the venue
- PPE worn by staff, tutor and delegates
- Site-Specific location plans to manage the number and flow of people within each area
- Increased frequency of cleaning and additional cleaning protocols to sterilise contact areas before, during and after training
- Additional training for all staff on managing Covid-19 risk factors
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