Shockwave Essentials: Greater Depth

A deeper dive into radial & focused shockwave therapy, as well as EMTT

Course Details

Open to physiotherapists, osteopaths, podiatrists, sports therapists, chiropractors & GPs, this one-day course aims to train those with some experience of shockwave therapy to deepen their understanding or explore similar regenerative technologies, radial and focused shockwave plus EMTT.

All three technologies will be explored, including their comparisons and combinations for various conditions.

The day is split between theory and practical sessions to ensure practical experience is gained with the device and to explore this revolutionary treatment that has helped clinics develop effective programs for their patients.

Common chronic conditions to be covered include (but not limited to): Achilles tendonitis, plantar fasciitis, patellar tendonitis, great trochanteric pain syndrome, tennis elbow and shoulder calcification along with the latest evidence on shockwave mechanisms and effectiveness

The course will begin at 9am and end at approximately 4pm and will be hosted in either our London or Liverpool training centres. There will be a break around midday for lunch, which is provided. Any dietary requirements will be requested after you book.

There will be time once the course ends to ask any specific questions about shockwave therapy or related topics.

Course taught by

benoy headshot

£195 per person


Lunch provided

Learning Outcomes:

  • History of shockwave therapy (mechanisms, indications and contraindications)

  • How current evidence is used to determine clinic protocols and how to apply them to your treatment sessions.

  • How to manage and treat the main areas of chronic tendinopathy (key conditions).

  • Gaining of hands-on experience from shockwave practicals and demos.

  • Patient selection.

  • How shockwave is used in conjunction with exercise and loading.

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